Our Strategic Plan: Blue Sky(uka)
Embracing Differences. Maximizing Potential.
The "Blue Sky" Strategic Plan is a six year process to ensure our Best Self. The Plan is mission driven and data supported, using direct input from our immediate stakeholders with an emphasis on our families.
Our Mission: To ensure individualized academic, social, physical, & spiritual devlopment in a nurturing community for students wth learning differenes & ADHD.
Core Values: Courage, Confidence, and Conviction
- The Strategic Planing Process -
Chattanooga has long needed a school with the vision to serve students who learn differently. These students have the same right to a great education as do their peers. The future of Skyuka Hall seems limitless if we will only support their compelling vision for the future. I am impressed with their growth and inspired by their dreams.
- Scott Wilson
Former Headmaster, The Baylor School
A Decade in the Den (2014-2024)
Skyuka Hall's programing goes beyond academic instruction & the arts. The core tenets of our holistic programming are to:
- Foster an atmosphere of trust
- Build meaningful relationships with students
- Modeling and reinforcement of social emotional skills & strategies
- Develop individual strategies for personal growth
- Strengthen self-regulation & self-advocacy abilities
The foundation of our programming is an abiding love of our students and purposeful partnerships with YOU, our families.
Since its founding in 2014, and despite the lack of endowment funds and being underbudgeted for services rendered to students. From its meager beginnings a decade ago, faculty & staff have gone above & beyond to give every Skyuka Hall student a chance to be successful in the classroom and in life.
In ten short years, we have gone beyond viability; in this new decade we are ensuring sustainability.
Where do we go from here?
"As the Board and leadership team of Skyuka Hall, we have developed the following major Blue Sky visionary priorities for the next ten years. These will be the focus of the Board and the operations team in order to serve our community with passion and excellence.
Based on your feedback, we will:
- Transition to our new campus home
- Heighten family communication & opportunities for engagement
- Attract and retain outstanding faculty & staff
- Expand guidance counseling for social & emotional needs
Transition to our new campus home
Heighten family communication & opportunities for engagement
Attract and retain outstanding faculty & staff
Expand guidance counseling for social & emotional needs
Beyond civics is an emphasis on empathy, belonging, and purpose.
With the adaptation of the Wayfinder program, we will better meet the needs of our students by increasing their connectivity and finding purpose in their life trajectory.
Stanford University conducted an independent evaluation of the Wayfair program and found students that complete this program experience many positive outcomes, including
- 11x increase in key measures of purpose
- 75% know strengths & connect to future
- 4x more likely to feel confident about their future
- 55% grew in social engagement
- 64% grew in social awareness
According to this study, students who experience belonging:
- Have greater levels of self confidence
- Manage stress better
- Have stronger relationships with teachers & peers
- Show high levels of motivation & achievement
Students who feel purposeful:
- Increase academic engagement
- Achieve higher grade point averages
- Show higher levels of pro-social behavior
- Have higher levels of self-motivation
A home for our community of learners. A space for play, exploration, and engagement.
A love of nature. A love of learning.
Our new campus home.
We will create a welcoming space where students can be inspired to grow and thrive in a peaceful environment that fosters confidence, courage, and conviction.
Life beyond the Den: purpose and passion driven
Comprehensive Developmental Guidance Programs have been shown to positively impact student outcomes and educational experiences. Studies indicate that in schools with more fully implemented CDG programs, students reported earning higher grades, having better relationships with teachers, and feeling greater satisfaction with school. Students also reported that education is relevant to later life, school is safe, and high school students reported that career and college information was accessible.
Source: School of Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2005
We will find your path
Family Partnerships
You are the expert on your child. We are the experts in learning differences. A recipe for success.
We will seek ways to infuse our parents and students with pride in Skyuka Hall.
-Blue Sky Strategic Plan 2030
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.
-William Ward
Overwhelmingly, the ISM strategic planning found that families rated Skyuka Hall faculty care and concern for [its] children as a top commendation.
By attracting and retaining outstanding faculty & staff, Skyuka Hall will ensure mission fulfillment in each child while building a school legacy that will last a lifetime.
Entrusted with the education of children, the independent school teacher promotes the best interests of the child within the context of the school’s philosophy.
-NAIS Principles of Good Practice